I was born in Paducah , Kentucky. After graduating high school I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served 4 years and was stationed overseas for 3 of those years. I worked in construction for 2 years after that and then became a police officer for almost 7 years. I then opened and ran a gun and tactical gear store. While doing that I also opened up Elite K-9 which is a company that specializes in Police, Military and sport dog equipment. I sold the gun and tactical gear store so I could focus on the K-9 equipment company which was a more profitable business. While doing that I started an additional business called K-9 Cop magazine and a yearly conference called K-9 Cop Conference in Nashville , TN.

Samuel Jason Ferren

24 瀏覽次數

I was born in Paducah , Kentucky. After graduating high school I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served 4 years and was stationed overseas for 3 of those years. I worked in construction for 2 years after that and then became a police officer for almost 7 years. I then opened and ran a gun and tactical gear store. While doing that I also opened up Elite K-9 which is a company that specializes in Police, Military and sport dog equipment. I sold the gun and tactical gear store so I could focus on the K-9 equipment company which was a more profitable business. While doing that I started an additional business called K-9 Cop magazine and a yearly conference called K-9 Cop Conference in Nashville , TN.

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